opiate detox withdrawal

Opiate Withdrawal Treatment

Opiates are prescribed to alleviate pain. In fact, most people use opiates as prescribed. However, opiate abuse is on the rise. It’s estimated that anywhere from 24 million to 36 million people in the world abuse opiates or prescription drugs. Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking despite the…

substance abuse treatment

The Stigmas of Addiction

For many individuals struggling with addiction, seeking help can be a scary thought. Unfortunately, the stigma of addiction can make people want to conceal their problem, which only makes the situation worse. Thankfully, addiction treatment centers in Florida are committed to providing individuals with the services they need while also working to reduce the stigma…

benzo detox recovery

The Struggles of Benzo Detox

Your doctor may have prescribed benzodiazepines for anxiety or because you had trouble sleeping. The medication affects the Gamma-Amino-Butyric-Acid (GABA) receptors in the brain. At first, benzos help you to relax. Eventually, they shut down natural GABA production. Because dependency now becomes an issue, you need benzo detox recovery.At Beaches Recovery, we recognize the challenges…

dialectical behavior therapy

How does Behavior Therapy Work?

Once you complete rehab, you’ll feel amazing. You’ll likely be very committed to your newfound sobriety. When you resume life outside of a treatment facility, how will you avoid relapse? The addiction behavior therapy you encountered during rehab is designed to help you do just that. Instead of relying on old, negative thoughts and behavior…

Importance of a Drug Rehab Counselor

Importance of a Drug Rehab Counselor

Suffering from a substance abuse problem isn’t something you can overcome by yourself. You need professional help at a rehab center. One of the most reliable supporters is the drug rehab counselor at a facility. This professional works with you during your stay in rehab.At Beaches Recovery, we recognize the challenges that those suffering from…

Preload Me

Marijuana a Gateway Drug for Teens?

Times are changing in America. With every election process, we see a different state move forward in the process of legalizing or decriminalizing recreational marijuana. Time and again, lawmakers debate the notion that pot promotes the use of other drugs. Many lawmakers and parents have outdated notions about marijuana, misunderstanding the substance and its impact…
