woman laying in bed after taking benzo

What Is a Benzo?

Do you or someone you love abuse benzodiazepine drugs, known as benzos? Do you wonder, what is a benzo, anyway? These powerful drugs, called benzos on the street, work well for many health issues. But for people using them outside of their doctor’s advice, benzos lead right into drug addiction.When you take a benzo as…

woman struggling and sitting on couch with ketamine high

Can You Survive a Ketamine High?

When people hear of a new drug, they typically have a lot of questions about it. While it’s not new to the market, ketamine is a drug that most people don’t know much about. They may even wonder if it’s possible to survive a ketamine high. It’s important to learn more about the drug itself.Do…

man looking frustrated while going through rapid detox

Is Rapid Detox Effective?

According to a recent National Institute on Drug Abuse study, about 2.1 million Americans are addicted to prescription opioid pain relievers. Nearly half a million people take heroin. These numbers have grown since the study was conducted It is only a matter of time before someone addicted to drugs decides that he or she should…

man drawing in art therapy for drug addiction

Art Therapy for Drug Addiction

In deciding to gain treatment for addiction, addicts have more options today than ever before. Beaches Recovery in Jacksonville, FL provides art therapy for drug addiction, as one of a multitude of recovery treatment options. Usually used in combination with other therapies, art therapy provides addicts with a medium for self-expression and healing.If you’d like…

man wondering what heroin is

What Is Heroin?

As a parent, it’s difficult to know where to draw the line between normal teenage experimentation and curiosity when it comes to drugs and whether there’s a problem or not. You may have heard about the opiate epidemic in the United States. This leads you to the question, what is heroin? Heroin is highly addictive…

man trying to help a heroin addict

How to Help a Heroin Addict

To help a heroin addict, you need to get them to agree that they have a problem. Many people with substance abuse disorders live in denial of their addiction. Once your loved one admits that they need help, you can help them look into heroin rehab programs in Florida.  Addicted individuals will often deny they have…

group going on hike to stay sober

6 Tips to Staying Sober

After you successfully finish a women’s alcohol rehab program in Florida, it’s time to go back home. Even though you feel proud of your accomplishment, it’s normal to feel anxious about staying sober. Relapse can happen, so take advantage of aftercare programs at your alcohol rehab in Florida. Life skills courses help you transition from…

man holding woman's hand helping them with addiction

Helping Someone with Addiction

This article provides tips on how to get help for addiction for your loved ones. People begin to use drugs and alcohol due to curiosity, peer pressure, and to self-medicate. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy to give up substances once a client has become addicted. Addiction treatment programs in Florida guide clients through the recovery…
