a teacher showing a young student a guitar note during Music Drug Rehab

Find Your Rhythm With Music Drug Rehab In FL

Some people might think that going through music therapy during drug rehab has little effect on their recovery. That’s actually far from the truth. If taken in conjunction with traditional and other types of therapy, a music therapy program can be incredibly beneficial to patients. Taking a music drug rehab therapy program during treatment will…

a man coming to the conclusion that his friend needs Florida Substance Abuse treatment

Find The Best Florida Substance Abuse Center

Finding a viable Florida substance abuse treatment center can be challenging. There are many treatment centers in Florida, especially along the coastline, and they all claim they can help you start and maintain a life of sobriety. If you don’t know what to look for, the search for the right treatment center can become overwhelming.…

a woman looking forward to Equine Drug Rehab

Equine Drug Rehab Supplements Traditional Addiction Treatment

Traditional addiction treatment programs like group therapy and counseling are going to be beneficial for most patients to enter. If only traditional programs are taken, however, addiction treatment won’t be completely effective. Holistic approaches to addiction treatment are also necessary for patients to receive the well-rounded care that they really need. Equine drug rehab therapy can…

group of people working on canvas painting and getting art rehab therapy benefits

Art Rehab Therapy Benefits

When people think of addiction treatment, they may only think of more traditional approaches to treatment. While group therapy and individual counseling in Florida are beneficial for patients, entering a program like art rehab therapy can enhance the recovery experience. Art rehab therapy in Jacksonville, FL has been shown to be just as beneficial to…

man smiling in his house learning about prospective addiction treatment in florida

Prospective Addiction Treatment Center with Insurance Verification

Figuring out how to pay for rehab can be overwhelming for people. For some, maintaining a life of addiction can seem easier than dealing with how to pay for prospective addiction treatment. However, there are affordable treatment options, especially if you have health insurance. If you go through the steps of verifying rehab insurance, affordable…

How To Spot Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) [Infographic]

What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome? [Infographic]

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) often occurs in individuals who have abused alcohol or other substances for a prolonged period of time and have discontinued. On the surface, this syndrome can appear similar to depression and may have a profound effect on an individual’s mood. More than the loss of happiness, individuals suffering from this withdrawal…

Does PHP Help Fight The Long-Term Effects Of Alcohol

The Long-Term Effects of Alcohol: Why PHP is Right for You [Infographic]

Alcohol detox at a Florida center or at home is a difficult proposition, even under the best circumstances. In fact, nasty long-term effects of alcohol can linger long after use has been discontinued. That means successfully breaking free from alcohol addiction on your own can be nearly impossible to accomplish. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of…
