mixing benzos and alcohol

The Danger of Mixing Benzos and Alcohol

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are strong tranquilizers designed to calm the central nervous system. Namely, they’re anti-anxiety medications like Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Halcion. Thus, benzos are popular to soothe stress and also, off-label, to experience surges of pleasure. In fact, National Public Radio reported that benzo prescriptions have risen by 5.4 million since 1999. Unfortunately,…

types of mood disorders

Looking at the Types of Mood Disorders

While everyone feels sad sometimes, if you find yourself struggling with extended periods of sadness, irritability or depression, you might be suffering from one of the types of mood disorders. This might have developed as a result of your abuse of drugs or alcohol. Or, you might have started abusing substances as a way to…

mindfulness quotes bring peace

5 Mindfulness Quotes that Create Peace During Addiction Recovery

As many folks soon learn, there’s a great sense of relief when an individual successfully completes an addiction treatment program. As they head out the door of rehab, they hopefully leave with the coping skills for recovery and to avoid relapses. Mindfulness is a great coping skill. For a recovering addict, it makes sense to…

what to expect during detox

What to Expect During Detox

If you have made the decision to seek treatment to overcome your addiction, you might be concerned with what to expect during detox. Since detox is the first step towards recovery, you can read the frequently asked questions about drug detox. However, you might still have concerns or doubts about the process itself. When you…

painkiller withdrawal symptoms

The Most Common Painkiller Withdrawal Symptoms

The road to recovery from prescription pill addiction is a good place to be. The decision to stop using and get treatment takes a lot of courage. That’s particularly true for someone who has been caught in the cycle of addiction for months or even years. While contemplating what’s required to get clean from painkillers,…

is drug addiction a choice

Is Drug Addiction a Choice?

Many people today debate whether people choose to suffer addiction or if this condition is a legitimate disease. So is drug addiction a choice? Or does modern science prove disease causes addiction?Past Beliefs about AddictionIn the past, Americans and people throughout the world believed addiction was a choice. That is, you choose to push your…

Florida pill mills

Can We Shut Down Florida Pill Mills?

Many people suffer opioid addiction in the United States today. Among these people, residents of Florida suffer their fair share of deadly overdoses and addictions. So many people wonder if Florida pill mills can be shut down.Shutting Down Florida Pill MillsAnswering that question about Florida pill mills comes easily if you consider the past several…

best drug addiction programs for young adults

Drug Addiction Programs for Young Adults

A lot of young adults struggle with addiction across the United States. Among those between 18 and 30 years old, the rate of drug addiction has increased for several decades. In response, the number of drug addiction programs for young adults has grown too. These programs address young adult behavioral, emotional, and physical problems and…

talking to teens about drugs

Make Sure You’re Talking to Teens about Drugs

For some inexplicable reason, we are always looking at drug addiction, wondering why we can’t solve these problems. There’s plenty of information about the dangers of addiction out in the public domain. The problem is people just refuse to read what’s available. Knowing that approach doesn’t work, we should consider a strategy that has shown…
