man wonders what an alcoholic is

What Is An Alcoholic?

Professionals refer to someone struggling with alcohol dependence or addiction as suffering from an alcohol use disorder. An alcoholic in the vernacular is a way people refer to those who drink to excess repeatedly. An alcoholic is an outdated and colloquial term for someone with an AUD. Normally, the term is now used to self-declare yourself…

woman deals with addiction codependency

Are There Clear Codependency Traits?

Codependency is a significant issue when it comes to addiction. It can prevent others who suffer from addiction from facing an addiction problem. Therefore, people need to know what codependency is and how it relates to addiction. Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual struggling with drug or alcohol dependency. It is something that can be…

example of group therapy for addiction

What are the Types of Group Therapy for Addiction?

Every person looking for support to heal from a substance use disorder (an addiction to drugs or alcohol) will have unique needs. Because of this, addiction treatment facilities like Beaches Recovery offer a wide range of therapeutic options. Doing so allows individuals to design a treatment plan that addresses their specific issues. One of the…

teen gets ready to drive

Chilling Teenage Drunk Driving Statistics

Getting a driver’s license was a proud day. Suddenly, a whole new world opened up to your teen. Now, they may become part of the teenage drunk driving statistics. What’s your next move?Understanding What Teenage Drunk Driving Statistics RevealThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explain that about ten percent of teens drink and drive.…

woman wonders what demerol is

What is Demerol?

There are many different kinds of prescription medications designed to help individuals manage pain. Meperidine, which is better known as Demerol, is a useful pain medication. But, Demerol is a potent medication that can lead to dependency if it is abused, misused, or if someone has physiology susceptible to developing an addiction. As a narcotic…

a gay flag for an LGBTQ Rehab center

LGBTQ-Friendly Drug Rehab Centers

Are you or a loved one in search of LGBTQ rehab programs Jacksonville, FL offers? Finding a facility you can trust for quality treatment is not always easy. If you are uncertain about where to start, we’re excited to provide you with some basic information about LGBTQ-friendly drug rehab centers in the Greater Jacksonville area.…

woman is married to an addict

Married to an Addict

Because individuals change over time, relationships also change. It’s a natural occurrence. But sometimes, a person in a relationship changes because of the influence of a substance use disorder. This can feel alienating to those around the individuals who care for them. Friends, loved ones, and family can all experience estrangement. Addiction doesn’t just affect…

woman explains php v iop

Clear Explanation of PHP vs IOP

When someone struggles with substance use disorder (an addiction to drugs or alcohol), it’s natural to wonder what treatment options are available. The first entry into the treatment world can come as a shock, with so many terms getting thrown around. There are residential, inpatient, and outpatient programs and a variety of therapies and treatment…

man gets residential drug addiction treatment

Are All Residential Drug Treatment Programs Basically the Same Program?

You’ve realized that you’re ready for a residential drug treatment program. You know it’s the most effective way to enjoy freedom from addiction. However, many programs are out there, and too many of them seem like they’re the same. So how do you sort through the similarities to find the right treatment for you? Beaches…

family wonders if alcoholism is genetic

Is Alcoholism Genetic?

Addiction is a disease that affects millions every year, yet only a small percentage of people find the help they need to heal and recover. There are many reasons for this, but one of them is a misunderstanding about the nature of a substance use disorder, an addiction to drugs or alcohol. In alcohol abuse…
