what is codeine

What is Codeine and Can I Get Hooked?

You notice that your prescription cough syrup contains codeine. You remember someone mentioning something about mixing the medicine with a soft drink to get high. What is codeine? Does it pose a risk for addiction?What is Codeine? Is It Legal? Is There an Addiction Risk?Codeine is a morphine derivative. It’s a prescription painkiller that also…

heroin problem

What Should I Do About My Son’s Heroin Problem?

When you find out that your son is abusing heroin, it can be devastating. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome a heroin problem. With the right tools and knowledge, you can help your son find sobriety and get healthy. These tips can guide your decisions as you work toward sobriety for your son.Acknowledging the Heroin…

opioid epidemic statistics

Opioid Epidemic Statistics

It’s no secret that there is a growing opioid epidemic in the United States. Nonetheless, it’s hard to understand the true scope of the problem. By looking at specific opioid epidemic statistics, you can see precisely how opioid drugs are negatively impacting millions. While these statistics can seem worrying, there are excellent opportunities for addiction…

cbt definition

Know the CBT Definition and Get Help

CBT is one of the most effective and common ways to treat addiction. But what is CBT, exactly? Understanding the CBT definition can explain what this therapy is, why it works and why it should be a part of nearly every client’s rehab plan. Learn more about CBT and its benefits below.What is the Exact…

effects of mdma

What Are the Effects of MDMA?

MDMA is a drug with both tranquilizing and stimulating properties. Most people know it as ecstasy, but other names for it include beans, hug, X, and XTC. Teens and adults may use this drug recreationally by swallowing pills, snorting the powder or injecting diluted powder. Many of them don’t realize that the effects of MDMA…

anxiety and addiction

The Connection Between Anxiety and Addiction

Millions of people across the United States struggle with mental disorders. Two common illnesses that occur together are anxiety and addiction. Knowing more about the connection helps people understand why treating both is essential to recovery.Understanding AnxietyAnxiety has several levels of severity from generalized anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder. All types of anxiety share the…

prevent relapse

How to Prevent Relapse

Addiction is a disease, and maintaining sobriety requires constant support and management. Relapse can happen even among people who complete extended rehab programs. However, there are several ways that they can prevent relapse. At the very least, having a plan can help those who relapse get back on track.Understand the Stages of RelapseRelapse doesn’t occur…

what is partial hospitalization

What Is Partial Hospitalization?

Deciding to seek addiction help isn’t easy and takes courage. However, it’s only the beginning of a long road that involves choosing an appropriate treatment program. Making this next decision can overwhelm and confuse people who aren’t familiar with the options. After a quick online search, “What is partial hospitalization?” is a question that arises…

family therapy for addiction

What’s the Point of Family Therapy for Addiction

Recovering from addiction takes a full spectrum of treatment. Family therapy for addiction is just as necessary as individual therapy. However, some people don’t understand the point of involving family members in treatment. What they don’t realize is that addiction is a family disease, so everyone in the household has been affected by the addiction…

chronic alcoholism

Will I Die from Chronic Alcoholism?

Anything someone does to the human body in excess brings with it a certain amount of health risks. One can imagine the dangers when someone is abusing drugs or alcohol. Without thinking about the long-term ramifications, heavy drinkers seem to know very little about the very dangerous side effects. The truth is chronic alcoholism is…
