some thc pills

Are THC Pills Dangerous?

Throughout the country, states are struggling with the pros and cons related to the legalization of marijuana. While the medicinal benefits of pot seem harmless enough, it still contains THC. For people who don’t want to smoke medical marijuana, doctors prescribe THC in pill form. Also, they provide a more predictable dose than other methods…

a man with a small container showing what are dabs

What are Dabs?

Dabs are a type of marijuana concentrate. Addicts use them because they can offer a more potent high than smoking marijuana. However, some people suffer adverse effects from smoking dabs.How popular are dabs? According to a recent study, about 7% of Americans have tried dabbing. Of those who have tried it, about half say they…

Crushed tanks on the ground are effects of a whippet addiction

Effects of a Whippet Addiction

Inhalant and whippet addiction can cause damaging consequences, including death. Whippets are one of the most popular inhalants. Nitrous oxide, which is a gas that is frequently used as an anesthesia medication in clinical settings, is also used in products like canned whipped cream. When inhaled in large amounts, whippets produce intense intoxication.Inhalants are a…

Signs that someone has been mixing adderall and alcohol

Mixing Adderall and Alcohol

According to new research conducted by John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, emergency room visits due to Adderall abuse have spiked dramatically in young adults in the last several years. However, the study also found that prescriptions for the medication hadn’t increased. College-age adults are obtaining the medication from family or friends, which accounts…

is weed legal in Florida

Is Weed Legal in Florida?

As legal marijuana use gains support in the US, it’s becoming complicated to understand the laws of each state. In some eighteen states at this time, recreational pot use is legal. It’s only medical marijuana that people can use legally in 37 states. In the remaining states, a number of local governments are currently considering…

man with spice drug addiction

What Is Spice?

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) counted 20 spice deaths between 2011 and 2015. In early 2015, the number of spice-related calls to poison control centers increased 330%. What is spice and why is it so dangerous? There are a few things that you need to know.If you’re worried about being addicted to spice, call us…

sad man with cocaine addiction

What Is Cocaine?

If you have a loved one who has been struggling with cocaine addiction, you may have the question, “What is cocaine?” And if this is the case, you’re not alone.Many individuals find themselves in a situation where a loved one is struggling with a cocaine addiction, but they are unsure what exactly this drug is…

sad man sitting on couch suffering from khat addiction

What Is Khat?

Have you ever heard of someone chewing khat and wondered, what is khat. Don’t worry, a large majority people in the United States don’t know what this herb is. Khat is a drug that is made out of the leaves of the catha edulis, which is found in eastern Africa. These leaves contain the stimulants…

woman holding hands to head after learning what xanax does

What Does Xanax Do?

Xanax is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs. But what does Xanax do, exactly? Is it really that bad if you abuse Xanax? Find out more about Xanax, why people take it, why people abuse it, its side effects, and how Xanax addictions can develop.To learn more about Xanax addiction and treatment, call…

woman with therapist in behavioral therapy

What Is Behavioral Therapy?

When you seek the right addiction treatment center for your recovery, you see many types of available therapies. While many people think one or two types of treatment will work for their recovery, studies prove that a diverse mix of addiction counseling works best. In rehab, behavioral therapy stands out as beneficial for reliable recovery.Just…
