man suffers from PTSD and substance abuse

PTSD and Substance Abuse

How are post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD, and substance abuse related to each other? Addiction is a disease that can impact anyone, regardless of race, age, or health. It is common for PTSD and substance abuse to exist side-by-side. When this is the case, individuals are said to have a co-occurring disorder…

woman deals with xanax side effects

Xanax Side Effects

Xanax is a prescription medication that is most commonly used to treat anxiety-related disorders. Xanax is also one of the most prescribed medications in the United States. Although Xanax effectively treats symptoms related to generalized anxiety disorders and panic disorders, it is prone to abuse. Xanax addiction has become more prevalent, caused by Xanax’s widespread…

man deals with heroin detox symptoms

Heroin Detox Symptoms

Heroin detox symptoms can be severe, and their intensity makes it difficult for those struggling with heroin addiction to recover successfully. Heroin addiction creates physical and psychological dependence, meaning that when you stop using heroin after becoming addicted, you can feel physically sick while also dealing with complicated and overwhelming emotional changes. This is because…

drugs for drug takeback day

What is National Drug Take Back Day?

National Drug Take Back Day is a day where Americans come together to prevent and control prescription drug abuse, something that Beaches Recovery is incredibly supportive of. Through the efforts of Take Back Day, approximately 914,256 pounds of drugs have been safely disposed of.The impact of National Drug Take Back Day efforts is enormous. Some…

woman participates in meditation therapy

What Is Meditation Therapy?

Why do people abuse drugs and alcohol, despite the many negative consequences they face? While many people believe that others continue using because it makes them feel good or numbs a pain they don’t wish to feel, there’s more to it than this. Addiction is a complex disease and has very little to do with…

group participates in addiction rehab

How Long Does Rehab Last?

When you decide to seek treatment for substance abuse, one of your first questions might be how long rehab lasts. You might be impatient to overcome your addiction and return to your normal life, or you might be worried about having to take extended absences from your responsibilities. Yet healing from the disease of addiction…

the effects of crystal meth

Crystal Meth Drug Effects

You may have heard of the drug crystal meth and wondered how it got its name. Quite simply, it’s because the drug looks like rock crystal. Users of this illicit drug have a variety of slang terms and street names for it. The effects of crystal meth can be intense. As a stimulant, the drug…

woman participates in sober activities

Sober Activities Will Keep You That Way

If you are in the process of recovering from substance abuse, a big focus in life will be your sobriety. While getting sober is a considerable achievement, avoiding relapse can also be a big challenge. There are, however, sober activities that you can engage in to maintain your sobriety. Perhaps the best way to maintain…

woman considers the levels of care for addiction

Levels of Care for Substance Abuse Treatment

Every individual who enters treatment for addiction does so with a unique set of circumstances. Using those circumstances as a guideline, it’s incumbent on the facility’s staff members to determine what levels of care for substance abuse treatment they should engage in. In some instances, the patient might have to interject and put forth their…
