Man learning what is integrative medicine

What is Integrative Medicine?

When you are in need of an opiate addiction rehab in Jacksonville FL, it’s helpful if the medical professionals use integrative medicine. What is integrative medicine? Let’s take a closer look at how this essential therapeutic method works.What is Integrative Medicine?An integrative medicine explanation that is from the American Board of Integrative Medicine® (ABOIM) and…

Patient learning what is suboxone

What is Suboxone?

Approximately 948,000 people in the United States use heroin. With the numbers trending higher in the last several years, medical professionals are scrambling to meet the need for treatment. While a heroin addiction rehab center in Jacksonville FL is certainly a critical component of treatment, Suboxone is the medication many addicted people use. According to…

Woman wondering why is xanax addictive

Why is Xanax Addictive

Xanax is a common treatment for people who suffer from generalized anxiety or panic disorder. It’s been approved for medical use in the United States since 1981. Even though it is a fast acting medication with minor side effects, some people who have taken this medication, even for a short term, struggle with getting off…

Woman holding pills wonders is tramadol addictive

Is Tramadol Addictive?

Drug addiction is a crisis in the United States reaching epidemic levels. Many people begin their drug experience taking prescribed medication but that leads to addiction. If you or someone you love is taking tramadol, also known as Ultram, you may be wondering is tramadol addictive? Maybe, you’ve tried to reduce your dose with little…

Man holding bottles wonders what is self medication

What is Self Medication

Substance abuse treatments in Jacksonville FL should contain a component that addresses self-medication. Self-medication may begin harmlessly but lead to substance abuse when certain conditions are met. What is self medication is a valid question that needs to be looked at closer in order to understand this challenging issue.What is Self Medication?One self medication definition from…

Woman struggling with different types of mental illness

How are Different Types of Mental Illness Related to Substance Abuse?

The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that approximately 50% of people who have mental illness abuse drugs. In addition, 53 percent of drug abusers have one of the types of mental illness. Because mental health disorders and substance abuse are often seen together, it’s important for people seeking treatment to have cognitive behavior…

Woman who deals with chronic pain and opioids addiction

Chronic Pain and Opioids: The Basis for an Epidemic

In the United States, we have an epidemic of opioid addiction. Unfortunately, the problem often times originates innocently, and the addiction is unexpected. Experts can’t deny that there is a connection between chronic pain and opioids. However, there is also a correlation between those taking opioids for chronic pain and opioid addiction. The need for…

Woman is reached out to by a person who knows how to help someone with PTSD

How to Help Someone with PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is triggered by a terrifying event – either after experiencing it or witnessing it. When suffering from PTSD, your entire life is unstable. PTSD can be physical or emotional and affects all age groups and walks of life. If you’re looking to learn how to help someone with PTSD, or to…
