Detoxing Could Free You from Your Addiction

Detoxing Could Free You from Your Addiction

In looking for a detox center, you need to find a place offering the most promise toward a better future. With so many to choose from, how do you know which is best? Which detox centers in Florida give you the best chance for lasting recovery?At Beaches Recovery, we’re committed to helping our clients begin…

3 Reasons to Live Drug Free

3 Reasons to Live Drug Free

A few short years ago, in 2015, authorities learned about Flakka in Florida. It was a party drug, much like Molly, that appealed to younger users. However, it didn’t take long for the catastrophic side effects to make headlines with terms like “Flakka Zombies.” Since then, this drug has traveled to several other states.Flakka is…

Free Yourself With Detox Treatment

Free Yourself With Detox Treatment

There are detox treatment centers throughout the country, but not all of them are the best choice when you’re trying to get clean and sober. Detoxification is a crucial part of the recovery process for anyone ready to have a fresh start in life. For many struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, detox is the…

Set Yourself Free from Alcohol Abuse

Set Yourself Free from Alcohol Abuse

Those who are battling an active addiction feel hopeless. If you’re like most alcoholics, you’ve probably considered going to alcohol abuse rehab centers in Jacksonville, but you don’t think they’ll work for you.  The part of your brain telling you that is also the part of the brain making sure you continue to drink. That’s…

3 Ways Sober Living Could Free Your Mindset

3 Ways Sober Living Could Free Your Mindset

Leaving a substance abuse treatment center in FL can fill you with mixed emotions. In many ways, you may be excited that you’ve completed this chapter in your life and accomplished something great. On the other hand, you may be scared and concerned about what you’re going to do when you leave.Being in a drug…

Drug Treatment That Is Affordable

Drug Treatment That Is Affordable

Going through drug rehab can be expensive. There are ways to get affordable drug rehab in FL, though, like the facilities at Beaches Recovery. Not only are there treatment centers with affordable programs, but your health insurance can also help pay for your addiction treatment. With the right insurance and the right treatment center, you’re…

Affordable Intensive Outpatient Rehab Program

Affordable Intensive Outpatient Rehab Program

Addiction is a powerful mental illness, and it has the potential to take away a person’s life. It’s one of the only illnesses a person can get that makes you believe there’s nothing wrong. This comes from a problem with the person’s prefrontal cortex. Although this portion of the brain never heals fully, each and…
