patient filling out form to quit using heroin

How to Quit Using Heroin

Even during your darkest hours, you have some level of responsibility for your health. Yes, heroin addiction is a legitimate disease. If you are struggling with it, it’s understandable you may not be able to control your actions. The hope is something will come along and motivate you to do something about the menace heroin…

woman dealing with adderall side effects

Are There Adverse Adderall Side Effects?

Adderall is a prescription drug that improves focus in people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This central nervous system stimulant can have the same effects on people who don’t have ADHD. However, they could also suffer from adverse Adderall side effects. For this reason, it’s important to be aware of how this drug works…

woman holding glass of wine dealing with abuse of alcohol and pregnancy

Alcoholism and Pregnancy

Alcohol and pregnancy is a very dangerous combination. Those who have alcohol addiction are already experiencing a life-changing situation in which their body is dependent on alcohol to function. When you become pregnant, those complications grow. Expectant mothers may feel overwhelmed in wanting to minimize risk to their child but also unable to simply avoid…

woman outside smiling having quit drinking

What Happens When You Quit Drinking?

Millions struggle with alcohol abuse and alcohol use disorder every year. However, only a small percentage get the help they need to heal from the disease of alcohol addiction. Fortunately, with professional help, anyone dealing with alcohol use disorder can overcome and heal from the disease. What matters most is realizing you are not alone…

national recovery month sober event with group in recovery

How to Host a Gathering for National Recovery Month

September is National Recovery Month. It is a time to reflect and celebrate. If you are enjoying sober living, you know the sense of pride it brings. You have overcome an incredible challenge through dedication and addiction treatment programs. You should be celebrating. Sober events can make that possible. Yet, at Beaches Recovery, we also…

teen buying drugs needing Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment

Finding the Right Teenage Drug Addiction Treatment Program for Your Child

As a parent, it’s surely disheartening to watch your teenager struggle with addiction. Your teenager hasn’t developed the capability to understand their dangerous behavior. As a loving parent, you can get them professional help. Take the time to seek out the right teenage drug addiction treatment center or young adult rehab center.How Addiction Affects TeensAs…

man smiling in group at drug abuse treatment programs

Which Drug Abuse Treatment Programs Are Right For Me?

In the United States, the drug epidemic runs rampant. Each year, thousands of people experience fatal overdoses and drug-related accidents. Substance abuse is also the leading cause for incarceration. The epidemic has resulted in more available drug abuse treatment programs, but many of them aren’t qualified to help you overcome addiction. If you’ve lost control…

rehab in florida

Why Rehab in Florida is Better

Throughout the nation’s addiction treatment industry, the state of Florida is widely regarded as the “rehab capital of the world.” Some patients travel from other parts of the world to get treatment at some of Florida’s top treatment facilities. If you are struggling with an addiction and are currently considering your treatment options, it might…
