spouses turned away on the couch from substance abuse and marriage trouble

Substance Abuse and Marriage Trouble

Unfortunately, substance abuse and marriage trouble are often found together. After all, substance abuse doesn’t just impact a single person: It also impacts the people they are closest to. Understanding the scope of substance abuse and its influence on others may help some couples find help and treatment before they feel the need for divorce.…

man using syringe and spoon for heroin addiction in Jacksonville FL

Help for Heroin Addiction in Jacksonville

Consider three main factors when finding help for heroin addiction in Jacksonville, Florida. Accreditation, depth of knowledge, and the type of programs offered make your decision easier when you decide to seek treatment.Choosing a heroin addiction rehab center in Florida with nationally recognized dual diagnosis treatment programs, with recovery positioned in the ideal environment, may…

man pinching his nose wondering What Is Drug Abuse

What Is Drug Abuse?

Often, it is hard to define the differences between drug use, drug abuse, and drug addiction. Some argue that the three are incredibly similar and often overlapping, but there are specific distinctions that should be noted. Asking what is drug abuse can help answer important questions about use, addiction, and substance abuse treatment.What is Drug…

woman leaning against tree with eyes closed meditating on how to overcome addiction

How to Overcome Addiction

Learning how to overcome addiction is not easy, but it can be done. Many people develop an addiction after casual drinking turns to abuse, recreational drug use, or long-term prescription misuse. Over time, recreational use transforms into an addiction. Once the individual realizes that they have a problem, help is available at addiction treatment centers…
